Asami あさみ

Let's learn Japanese together in a fun and casual way. I'm looking forward to having a lesson with you :)


Asami あさみ
Let's learn Japanese together in a fun and casual way. I'm looking forward to having a lesson with you :)


Available language : Japanese Language Native speaker

Current city and country of residence : メルボルン, オーストラリア 

みなさん、こんにちは。わたしの名前(なまえ)は、あさみ です。

Hello, I'm Asami. Thank you for finding me! I'm looking forward to having a lesson with you :)

○My lesson style
Lessons are conducted casually, enjoying communication. Lessons can be taught in Japanese only or in a mixture of English and Japanese. Please don't worry about your Japanese ability, if you're worried about it.
I am also studying languages, so we are the same!

-watching movies and series
-learning languages

- Qualified Japanese language teacher in Melbourne, Australia.
- I have experience as a Japanese language volunteer and tutor and experience in practical training for beginners and intermediate students.
- One year of exchange study in the USA and one month of language study in Australia.